Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How do you prefer to get your news?

As a publicist and advertising consultant, I am curious to know how you get your news? Do you read the newspaper (the actual hard copy) or do your read your news online on sites such as CNN, MSN, Yahoo!, or is it a combination of both? Or do you prefer to get your news second hand via blogs or podcasts? How long before newspaper advertising will be a thing of the past....if it isn't already?

1 comment:

Blissfully Quinae said...

The news is a very important aspect in every persons life, even though to many of us -including myself- are underinformed about what's going on in our local, national, and international news.

I prefer to get my news from a media that is said to be out of date, but is probably the most important media resource we have -- word of mouth.

I often watch television, read a physical and online edition of the paper, and browse through magazines, but honestly things are not as important to me until I really hear others talking about it.

Since it is a concern to them, I believe that it is a concern to me because I want to understand why it is important to them and may be unimportant to others. It is also a good way to strike up a good debate.

I don't think that the printing press will be gone before too long because it is still a staple in our daily lives, if not a really good accent piece of the coffee table. With skepticism in the world, sometimes a paper copy makes people believe the information more and makes it almost absolute (but as we all know there are several instances where the "corrections" section is longer than the articles in paper...I've seen it, but I live in the country too)

Either way, the internet is still interesting and will be my number two choice, but there is still the comfort in knowing that I can turn on the tv at 5 or 6 in the evening for some great background noise.